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here are some abusers who always get ban in all rooms but when he got ban then he always making fake ids or always open abuse named room of other abuser ... Check this link > http://i39.tinypic.com/fmriic.png in this link here is the abuse named of room !!Check this link > http://i44.tinypic.com/160oeph.png in this link u will see room owner user id or room moderator user id both are same user .... sp plz delete that both id >> "kaal69kisisther" "Arjun8585"and plz increase ur security level ... like > only trusted user can enter in os chat or only trusted user can open any room !!  (12 years ago)

agree with you  (12 years ago)

thanks  (12 years ago)

..i also agree,there should also a public list for the banned and blocked persons.. For us to know also. (12 years ago)

Admins check it again ................ "Arjun8585" again create a abuse chatroom ... aand he is using a abuse topic for a user .... reason of abuse ... "Arjun8585" was abusing in a room then room owner ban him so he open abuse room of that owner .... take some gud action on "Arjun8585" user id ... he always creating fakes of real id, abuse rooms, fake id with nude pic etc ... check this link >>> http://i43.tinypic.com/167m53p.png ... in this pic u will see "Arjun8585" open room with abuse names of a user with abuse topic .. check this one linck >> http://i41.tinypic.com/1549g1c.png ..... here you will see he is abusing in room ... when i take this pic that time there was only owner ... but now tthat room is in top !!plz take action on this user .. he always doing these type of bad things ... (12 years ago)

admins "arjun8585" again created a fake his new fake id is >> " Kaal69kiiSISTER " "http://www.ownskin.com/home?u=Kaal69kiiSISTER" admins now you really need to take a hard action to this user "arjun8585" and take a gud action for chatroom ... like make sure that only trusted skinner can enter in "os chat"  (12 years ago)

admin you opend a option of user id verification .. so u can stop many fakes and abusers to enter on os chat ...... just allowed onlly trusted skiner to os chat .... i know its some hard but its really need for os chat ... thanks  (12 years ago)

..gracias amigo (12 years ago)

Currently our method is to hope that only user who are trusted create room so that abuser could not talk. What do you guys/gals think. We only allow trusted user to create room ? If everyone agree we could do that. But it will means less people in the chatroom  (12 years ago)

..simple but also factual.. (12 years ago)

hey there something need change in " Notification " in mobile version .. if on forum there 5 users r replying on same or 1 post then i got 5 notification from 1 " Topic " so need to compress notification .. like if there user1 , user2 , user3 , user4 , user5, are replying on same post then there notification need to comes like >> user1,user2,user3 and 2 other people made a follow up post on the forum .. check this image to see how need to change >> http://i39.tinypic.com/35hk77o.png !! and same notification option need to apply for "Guestbook" " my latest feeling (comment)" Photos (comment) !!!! (12 years ago)

madwolf don't worry after this option applied only " abusers " will less ..... n its just bout create a room na ... after this option apply " untrusted user cant open his own room " but untrusted user can chat in other room " .. then people will not less .... you have to know there people are using his real id but when he need to "create abuse room " or " when he need to abuse some one " that time they are coming with fake ids ... so if this option will apply then users cant open any abuse room with his fake ids .....!!! and there r many trusted user whome have room and thats all r are always opend so they can chat in others room ... so i dont think people will less .... (12 years ago)

i agree with you, so confusing, and i was sometimes puzzlized finding when many new n0tification c0mes.. You have much idea on ownskin,. Nice,. Good to be shared (12 years ago)

I understand that.. good pplz & not good pplz .. some of them still yet not do verification.. manish la.. so thats the point..of why will gonna be less.. (12 years ago)

..do all trusted ownskiner has a hundred per cent of true users?. Fakers can also make theirselves as a trusted ownskiners,.mmm.. (12 years ago)

..i think it is better to have conversations to the pers0ns you know and to the 0S user who have been your best or true friend.. If there are abusing users,. Better to rep0rt it rapidly here on OS forum.. We can make a topic namely ''ABUSERS'', and whoever enc0untered an abuse must place the the user name of the abuser, trusted or untrusted ownskinners, for us to be informed..and to be aware of adding or accepting friends here on OS.. THE AWARENESS IS NEEDED.. it is better to have few but true friends than many but much fake and abusive friend right?? Do you agree my dear fallowers? (12 years ago)

Just a suggestion, Dont you think that 5 or 6 permanent rooms is better? What is the sense of having too many empty rooms? The reason why some of the members don't go there anymore because it isnt as good as before.. The old chatroom serves as a bridge between people from different countries while this one became like a wall.. The old chatroom has a lot of member even if it doesnt supports background, emoticons, and private chats.. I think it is a good idea to fix the number of rooms like "english, arabic, chinese, etc" so those non-english countries who wants to learn english would be able to learn..  (12 years ago)

..  (12 years ago)

roda @ thats gud ... 5 or 6 chatroom is better but everyone want own room and peoples like. i dont know about old chatrooms but this new chatroom is better and people like it much ! yeh here so many empety room to coz they alsso want to open his room but all users like to chat is old room or his/her friends room so thats y other rooms are empety  (12 years ago)

you can see os lobby is permanent room but no one user is chating in that room so if admins will create other permanent then that room will also empty like os lobby  (12 years ago)

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