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 A girl who deos not no how to cook n a girl who gossip too much which one do u choose? Support ur answer with reason.every body can comment.

just curious (13 years ago)

ThAT's a GiRl thINg dUdE..I'm SuRe eVErY gIrL Kn0wS HoW 2 Co0k eXcEPT CelEbs i GuEsS..mwahahahaha  (13 years ago)

What if we get both? Now how does this sound..hehehehahaha (13 years ago)

They say women have 2 mouth while men have 2 heads..lmfao hahaha.. just kidding...The reason why woman talks much because for them talking is a way of communication/bonding and not just gossip..lol..dont be surprised if u met a woman who doesnt know how to cook, coz modern women are not bound @ home todays..lol.. To be honest cooking is not my thing but am trying...hahahahaha (13 years ago)

Its no matter that girl know how to cook or gossip... But she should be decent... (13 years ago)

Its no matter that girl know how to cook or gossip... But she should be decent... (13 years ago)

Mens have two heads 2nd under the mouth of rodayao 1st over the mouth of rodayao ....lol  (13 years ago)

women speak 20000 words and men just 7000 word per day that explain why girls tend to gossip too much, it is in their blood and you cant wish it away but you can teach her how to cook. (13 years ago)

@abhi, idk why common sense is not so common to u... hahahaha .. kindly please read between d lines! u better watch english movies so u would be familiar with d quotes am using or atleast read some books to boost ur iq rather than abusing ppl without justifiable cause..lmfao..hahaha  (13 years ago)

o..ou??????  (13 years ago)

the girl can learn how to cook, but she CAN'T stop speaking about gossip (13 years ago)

Hmmm......I really choose d 1 who does'nt no how to cook coz i will teach her or i will be inured to d kind of food she cooks... (13 years ago)

it is proven that female are not the only one who talk much, even male do it. look at MeAgainstMySelfJay he talks much. Isn't he? (13 years ago)

e..hehehe..e...helloo, he is nt talk but throw hydrogen bomb...hehe... (13 years ago)

Umm.. I wud chuse the gal who dnt knw hw 2 cuk.. Coz, i cn teach her, it wil luk cute, n our love wil grw strnger as wel, spending time 2gethr.. Bt if she evn cnt learn it na, i'l kp servants 4 her (13 years ago)

jay, use your nuts. It seems that you do not get what I am trying to say. Try to befriend with people from english speaking countries so you would get what they trying to imply. (13 years ago)

i'll prefer a lady that cant cook and then i'll teach her but the gossip lady o! dear god help you cos i dnt think any man would'nt win a boxing challenge using her for daily practice. haha (13 years ago)

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