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 yes to birthcontrol.you?

.this one of the m0st talk about issue here in the philippines..the catholic priest are anti the RH bill..or the reproductive health bill which includes the use of the c0ntracptives,pills and c0ndoms..but i pers0nally believe that there is n0thng wrong with it if this can be a way to control the c0ntin0us gr0wth of populati0n..you?.what is ur stand to this issue?. (13 years ago)

yea i'm with yu (13 years ago)

sadiking,thank you..frm what c0untry are you?.. (13 years ago)

they reject birth control bcz they need the masses who they have used for their personal gain. (13 years ago)

pemuwa..thank for your opinion..and i just hope every1 could realize things (13 years ago)

pemuwa..thank for your opinion..and i just hope every1 could realize things (13 years ago)

my pleasure i'm 4rm nigeria (13 years ago)

my pleasure i'm 4rm nigeria (13 years ago)

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