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sonianatics Guestbook

maruf794  (12 years ago)
ThE MoSt bEaUtIfuL pEoPLe iN ThE WoRLd ArE NoT ThOsE wItH AtTrAcTiVe fAcEs oR SkInNy bOdY, BuT ThOsE WhO KnOw HoW To rEsPeCt tHe bEaUtY Of oThErS.!!! i bELieVe tHaT TwO PeOpLe aRe cOnNeCtEd aT ThE HeArT, aNd iT DoEsN’T MaTtEr wHaT ThEy LooKs oR Do, Or wHo yOu aRe oR WhErE YoU LiVe; ThErE ArE No bOuNdArIeS Or bArRiErS If tWo pEoPLe ArE DeStInEd tO Be tOgEtHeR As fRiEnDs! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)

Stealing the Blue from the Splashing Seas...
A Tinge of Green from the Youthful Trees...
A Hint of Red from StrawBerry...
A Bit of Orange from the SunSet Hues...
With Crystal White from the Morning Dews...
I have Framed a Bright and ColourFul Wish 4 You...

~Good Morning~
Have A Fabulous Day!!

H + H = R

sonianatics  (12 years ago)
why im not lucky.
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
You too my dear so much lucky...!!
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
Dat's gud na...!!
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
Glad to hear dat..!!
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
Glad to hear dat..!!
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
Not bd jzt good...!! Btw how'z your mom...??
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
It's oky..!! No need's thz dear..!!
Rahul4in555  (12 years ago)
Yh dear dat's imposiable...!!
Vel your avtr pic is very nICe...!!

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