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lizzymcguire Guestbook

maruf794  (13 years ago)
'A fRiEnD likE yOu iS hArD tO cOmE bY... yOu’rE sO dEaR aS yOu’rE alwAyS thErE fOr mE tO sAy hi! I tHaNk yOu, aS yOu mAdE yOu'R fUll hEaRt oPeN... aNd I pRaY tHaT oUr fRiEndShiP nEvEr bE bRokEn... TwO cOrdS, tHeY sAy, arE bEttEr tHaN oNe.. yOu aNd I, aNd mE aNd yOu, aNd iT iS dOnE! I aM tHaNkfuL aNd hApPy tHaT yOu aRe mY fRiEnD... {Image} lOoK i'm 71 bUt sTilL mUsCulAr aAd cOoL {Image} {Image} yOu likE mY hEarT wHaT.. nO..iF i hAvE sHoCkS..tHeN {Image} A bEauTifuL Bulb fOr yOu {Image} 5 sTaR hOtEl {Image} I hAvE tO slEeP i'M gOiNg 4 yOu gOoD MoRniNg {Image} gEt sEt rEaDy...hArD dAy wAitS {Image} happy to see yo n my wall..again yo tried to afraid me by your gar...gar ur new ava is very nice
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
Oh thats gud lizzy
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
Par tumhe toh hindi nahi aati
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
M also gd lizzy u listen hindi songs or nt?
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
Thanxhws u?
mahi7270  (13 years ago)

mahi7270  (13 years ago)
If u care 4 me,i will care 4 u,if u miss me,i will miss u,if u msg me,i will msg u,if u forget me.. sorry dear kahani me TWIST hai,i will kill U!
mahi7270  (13 years ago)
Lizzy sorryif i say anything wrong n m dnt think wrong about u k ur ma bst frnd
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'bE uR selF n SmilE, nEvEr bE 2 ScAReD 2 shoW uR sofE sidE… whO KnOw, maybE wheN u smilE, aT thaT vErY SeconD, u caN CaRvE iT righT iN2 a bEaUTifuL hEarT thaT wilL lovE u 4 alL EteRNitY… rEmEmbEr thE bEsT thingS iN lifE r PricElEsS jusT likE a smilE…' {Image} {Image} {Image} YoU TalkativE {Image} hE likE girlS {Image} hunted {Image} ExaM startR sooN..doN disturB {Image} DangErouS lovE {Image} ComparE thEsE 2 imagEs..choicE iS yourS {Image} thE rEsulT oF mEssagE iS... {Image} oK.. SwEEt slEEp..elEctriC drEamS..whaT caN i dO noW

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