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novambih Guestbook

zizo202  (12 years ago)

have a nice day

zizo202  (12 years ago)


Edzelerman17  (12 years ago)
You too..
zizo202  (12 years ago)

take care my frnd

Edzelerman17  (12 years ago)
A warm welcome to you..
Edzelerman17  (12 years ago)
It's More Than Saying I Love You..
give on this day candy and flowers,
But we never stop to say thank you
for the many hours. You have stood
by my side and gave a smile, As if to
tell our hearts it's been worth every
mile. No need to buy a teddy bear
or even a card, It's pretty simple
and not at all hard. Just put your
arms around me and
hold me tight, And say without
words that in your heart all is right.
You may say I Love You throughout
the year, But on this day you need
to make sure. The words so sweet
and straight from
your heart, That your life would be
lonely without my part. So put forth
the effort and take the time,
Look me in the eye and say I'm glad
you're mine.
maruf794  (12 years ago)

A BoY LoVeD A GirL bUt tHe gIrL HaTeD HiM..
Boy sAiD ThAt he’LL cHaNgE HeR HaTeD iNtO LoVe &
SaiD ThAt he’LL sTaNd iN FrOnT Of hEr hOuSe tiLL NeXt 100 dAyS..
StoRmS N RaInS CaMe bUt tHe bOy dIdN’T MoVeD..
ThE gIrL StArTd faLLnG In LovE WiTh hIm oN 99Th dAy..
GirL dEcIdEd tHaT She’LL sAy tHaT ShE AlSo LovEs hIm..
WiTh tHe rIsE Of sUn oF 100tH DaY ThE GirL wEnT OuT
BuT ThE BoY WaSn’t tHeRe..
ShE FoUnD A PaPeR On wHiCh iT WaS WrItTeN
''U SiT At hOmE AnD EnJoY Ur sNaCkS...
i gOt cOmMiTtEd tO Ur nEiGhBoUr....''
MORAL-wEn u gEt LovE..rEsPeCt iT AnD KeEp uR AtTiTuDe
InsIdE D PoCkEt….!

tHe bEsT ThInG Is LisTeNiNg tO
SoMeOnE'S HeArTbEaT AnD KnOwInG..
It's bEaTiNg bEcAuSe oF YoU
hApPy vAlEnTiNeS DaY...

Edzelerman17  (12 years ago)
And also with you..
maruf794  (12 years ago)

MeEt yOu , bEcOmE FrIeNd
ShArEd sEcReTs , fReAkEd oUt
HaD FuN , FoUgHt wItH YoU ,
SmIlEd wItH YoU , lAuGhEd wItH YoU ,
CriEd wItH YoU , HuRt yOu ,
TeaSeD YoU aNd hErE I Am ,
StiLl tHiNkInG Of yOu …………….
LonG JoUrNeY ,, hUh!!!!!!!!!!!!?
AnD wE ShaLL NeVeR LeT It eNd , rIgHt ??
jUsT WaNtEd u tO KnOw ThAt mY LoVeLy fRiEnD ,
U R VaLuEd ......

A FrIeNd iS OnE...
WhO fOrGiVeS BeFoRe yOu sAy sOrRy...
UnDeRsTaNdS BeFoRe yOu eVeN StArT ExpLaiNiNg...
WaItS FoReVeR WhEn yOu sAy oNe mInUte...
sTaYs wHeN YoU SaY LeAvE Me aLoNe!... ╰☆╮♥♥╰☆╮╰☆╮♥♥╰☆╮╰☆╮♥♥╰☆╮╰☆╮♥♥╰☆╮
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Noori76  (12 years ago)

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