ishan121  Buku tamu saya (5) Daftar buku tamu

13 years ago
yst day n8 i went 2 india, in drm. so i fnd u,. i shouted 'Shagu where r u' bt no answer., thats why im fear.
13 years ago
Hey dear thanks 2 inform me about dead body!i think ur frm colambo n tht dead body u found in colambo that's maked me worride!b'coz my frnd woh is from colambo i can not found him frm last week so plz check he is isaan or not?n reply me soon!
13 years ago
ICC Crikel World Cup coming to asia, that will be taken by Pakistan, India or Super Lions-Sri Lanka.
13 years ago
I don't want 2 lose
this feeling.
If I could choose a
place 2 die;
it would be in
ur arms..
13 years ago
.Thx 4 add me.. Hope we can make good friend.
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