lupa: User Name | katasandi
Is TheRe AnY VasT DiffeRencE BeTwEEn Fake or ReaL iD- (12 years ago)
my god.....:mad:...what the hell is happening in ownskin......same thing happened with Farahkhan34 ....she is such a nice girl ....even she never speaks up a single bad word.... and as much i know hancockJohn was a nice person but dont know.....whats wrong happened with the admins..... :L ...Admins cant u take a look on ids and notify the victim users before deleting.... :L its such a worst thing..... its a process of teasing users to finally leave this site...:L ..... admins its a request ....if u have a good heart then re check and kindly give back their ids ...:L- (12 years ago)