Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 11 years ago
Themero desde: 11 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: Malang
Genero: Femenino
Edad: 25

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Es un Secreto
Modelo de Movil: Nokia 6600
Operador de Movil: XL Axiata
Escuela: SMPI Al, ma, 39, rif 01 Singosari, Malang
Me gusta: hewan lucu seperti kucing dan anjing dan menonton film dari Hollywood, USA
Odio: hewan, hewan buas
Música Favorita: Agnes Monica
Peliculas Favoritas: The lord of the ring dan The Hobbit, an unexpected journey
Libros Favoritos: The lord of the ring dan The Hobbit, an unexpected journey
Famosos Favoritos: Elijah Wood
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Sobre Mi

Hi I'm Almira Rahma, Please call me Mira. I 13 year old. I is student. I born on December, 11th 1999. I live at Indonesia. I loves cat and dog. My hobbies are watching movies. My favorite colors are black, white, brown, and dark red. I love Indonesia but I more likes United Stated. I wanted to be an actress but it not easy. My characteristics are black hair, black eyes a bit of blue on the edge, and the white and black half leather.
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