vardha70  留言板 (474) 留言

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11 years ago
thank you
11 years ago
Hold 10 roses in ur hand
Stand opposite of the mirror..
U’ll see 11 roses and among them
The most beautiful ROSE in the
world is You my dear.
Good afternoon my sweet friend

*;**;* Flowrs
\____/ 4 u..
with the Bundlè Of Prayrs!

Each petål öf eaçh flowr brìngs
My Wishes
My Prayèrs 4

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11 years ago
I want leaving this os but i'm remember here have lovely sis
11 years ago
11 years ago

thanx dea

LoveLy evening 2 u2

11 years ago
...★ ★╰♡ ♡╮★">" border="0"/>♡╮★ ★...

ï mïss ÿöü whën sömëthïnġ rëällÿ ġööd häppëns,
bëċäüsë ÿöü ärë thë önë ï wänt tö shärë ït wïth.
ï mïss ÿöü whën sömëthïnġ ïs tröüblïnġ më,
bëċäüsë ÿöü ärë thë önë whö ündërständs më sö wëll.
ï mïss ÿöü whën ï läüġh änd ċrÿ
bëċäüsë ï knöw thät ÿöü ärë thë önë
thät mäkës mÿ läüġhtër ġröw änd mÿ tëärs dïsäppëär, ï mïss ÿöü äll thë tïmë.
büt ï mïss ÿöü möst whën ï läÿ äwäkë ät nïġht änd
thïnk öf äll thë wöndërfül tïmës, wë spënt wïth ëäċh öthër!!!
för thösë wërë sömë öf thë bëst tïmës öf mÿ lïfë...
">" border="0"/>
żïndäġï.. ÿäänï kÿä?
ëk dhündlï sï shääm,4 frnds,4 ċüp ċhäï,1 täblë!!
żïndäġï.. ÿänï kÿä?
ċöllëġë kë döst,bünk kïÿä hüä lëċtürë,1 käċhörï, 2 sämösë äür bïll pär hönëwälä jhäġdä!
żïndäġï.. ÿänï kÿä?
phönë üthätë hï pädnë wälï döst kï mëëthï sï ġälï, äür sörrÿ këhnë pär, 1 äür ġäälï!!
żïndäġï.. ÿänï kÿä?
küċh sälö bääd, äċhnäk püränë döstö kï ÿääd!1 sms, dhündhlï pädï küċh bhëġï ÿädëïn äür, änkhö mëïn äÿë hüë äänsü!!
">" border="0"/>
mäÿ nähï jäntä ÿëë żïndäġï.. kÿä?

pär döst tërë ÿäääd..tërë müskürät..tërë här bäääät... fïrse ÿääd dïlätä häÿ...mäÿ żïndä hüüün....

...★ ★╰♡♡╮★">" border="0"/>♡╮★ ★...
11 years ago
im fi9 dea..whts bout u?
11 years ago
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Boy n girl on Ownskin

Girl:- “u never smile na??”

Boy:-“hw can u say dis??”

Girl:-“ur smiling pics r mising here”

Boy:-“ok then …do u bath daily??”

Girl:-“ya ofcorse..y u asking??”

Boy:-“no, I hvnt seen .any pic….”

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11 years ago
Todays weather Report:
U'll have Rain of Blessings
Wind of Joy, Fog of Peace
Dews of Love, Snow of Happiness
& blossom of GOD'S GRACE!
G Ø;,;Ø D
G ,;*"*;,;*"*;, G
Ø ;*Mørñiñg*; Ø
Ø ",,*,,*,,*,," Ø
D '+*;;*+' D
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**. () ().
( ö, )( ", )
The nicest place
in the 'world' is right beside someone like u.
have a nice Saturday

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11 years ago
good evening my dear
11 years ago

❤✲✲ ╰♡╮╰♡╮✲✲ ❤

One day you will see that it all Has
Finally come together...

what you Have always wished for
Has finally come to be...

You will look Back And laugh at
what has passed...

you will ask yourself
"How did I get through all of that?"

Just never let go of hope
Just never quit dreaming
And never let love depart from your life...

be happy

God bLess

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웃유❤✲✲ ╰♡╮╰♡╮✲✲ ❤웃유

em fine too dea

11 years ago
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,*”* JUMMA *”*,
*,, Vardha,,*
ÅLLÅH aap pr or ap k ghar walon pr apni Rehmaten or ßarkatain Naazil Farmae.

Happy Friday of Ramzan
11 years ago
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11 years ago

hi dea

how r u

kaha ho?

11 years ago


Silence may mean we are breaking down
or could be mean we need some time alone

Silence may mean we are happy and fine
or could be mean no words to describe the feeling at all

Silence may mean we're saying something can never express in words
or could be simply wanting to keep it just inside..

Silence speaks
Silence screams
Silence talks louder than any word

We all need sometimes to be silent to know
who we really are,
What we really want
Where we really wanna go..

May each heart always speak with hope, love and trust
even in deep silence..




11 years ago
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11 years ago


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Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I’d passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it’s worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Earth...

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---♥ ♡╰☆☆ ☆☆╮♡ ♥---

11 years ago
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.
I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u don't shine.
11 years ago
Welcome to Sandra Nice to meet you Is it possible to communicate soft for e-mail
11 years ago

oh datz reaLLy bad

i hope soon it will be ok

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