i lyk toh taring u ah ermm rasa nya kn me suruh ggt bh hehe
i lyk toh taring u ah ermm rasa nya kn me suruh ggt bh hehe
ehe,,cian u nehh,,,dri td dh find thmes yg u bt aaa,,now bek na skit pla?jst rply inbox aja
inda maksud me tu lain..haha p na apa laa me dpt dh dari old ownskin mobile..
aikz dh u download kh?f u download dh u sve arh mna?ingt kn nma nya
nda me paham cemna paning me slajaur hahah xp..tadi tau me yg my themes me takan me download..
ada jua themes sna blebal mybebs uiii,,,den u serch ler ur nme kh nma thme u toh kh,,
irm..leh tanya..d mna tempat download themes yg me buat dh me cri na tdi ada dh udah ane lupa ti ..now limpang2x jee..
owh itz okyh,,jst try to make it ler,,so now wht are u do'ng?
hye hye hye..soe soe haha..ok pandai dh hehe kai hp..ne pun baru2x an..ownskin ane hehe nda pandai bnrnya but i'll try hehe
u mo themes sendiri cna kn?for hp kh?f for hp pat WWW. not M hee,,easy to use lappy ler,,f hp make it heng aja toh
cana kn buat themes sendiri ane hahah
hy thre wht ru do'ng ma fren?btw bru bngun tdo kh?salam ma fren