يا أبن الستين شرموطة وأخو الستين منيوكة إزا إختك قحبة مفكر البنات متل أختك ومرة تانية بس تجي لعندي ع الروم جيب أختك معك حتى نيكلك ياها قدامك يا إبن القحبة
![](<img src=)
">http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/559395_419234361464554_87963836_n.jpg" border="0"/>
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">http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/391606_418803448174312_1463262496_n.jpg" border="0"/>
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">http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/155141_417701148284542_160305590_n.jpg" border="0"/> " border="0"/>
![](<img src=)
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hello dear,
nice to meet you. perhaps my name is Mary,
i am a good nice caring gentle girl with a good behavior. beside
i saw your profile in this site and it got me interesting, and
i would love to know you perfectly to further more here is my e-mail
address for you to contact me back (mary_johnson1@hotmail.co.uk) please
do not send me a message on site okay. please do contact me because i
really want to have a good relationship with you with love and trust and
i have a special issue i would like to tell you about my self, thanks and
god bless perhaps i will be waiting for your mail for me to tell you whom
I'm and i will also send more of my beautiful photos to you.
yours lovely friend Mary,