when you count your best friend , you may not count me . When you count your close friend you may not count me . But when you need a friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>Call them whom you counted earlier
Too TruE , Too OftEN , We doNT reALizE , WhaT We HavE UntIl It GonE , toO OfTEn we wAIt tOO LonG To SaY " I am SoorY - I waS wroNG " . SomEtiME iT sEEms wE HurT ThE OnE We hOLd DeaREst tO OuR heART , aND wE fOllOW FooLIsH ThInGS , tO TeaR Our LinES ApaRT. So bE SuRe tHaT YoU LeT PeOPlE KnOw hOw mUCh tHeY mEaN To yoU. TaKe tImE To SaY ThE WorDs bEfORe yOuR TimE Is tHrOuGH.
life goes on as never end. Eyes of stone obeserve the trends.they never say forever gaze upon me. Guilty roads to an endless love. . your everywish will be done
life goes on as never end. Eyes of stone obeserve the trends.they never say forever gaze upon me. Guilty roads to an endless love. . your everywish will be done