You made 10 friends, You laughed with 9, You met 8, You talk with 7, You celebrated with 6, You shared secret with 5, You trusted 4, You crijed with 3, You needed 2, But cant live without 1 a special one…. That is me… Good Night!
24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day, 7 sweet day make 1 sweet week, 4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month but sweet person like u makes a whole life sweet. sweet morning.
~ Open U’r M¡nd, Rece¡ve My W¡sh Open U’r Heart, Rece¡ve My Love Open Your Eye, Rece¡ve My Sm¡le Open U’r Mob¡le, Rece¡ve My Speca¡l SMS “GOOD MoRniNg”
every morning same wishes. let it b different now, Let tigers gaurd u, Snakes dance around u, cheetas hug u and lions kiss u WISH U A GEOGRAPHIC N JUNGLI MORNING;- G@@D MORNING HAVE A G@@D DAY
Dear Chiru! Good Morning!!! Ur due date to take bath for this month is Please take bath atleast today to avoid khujli,dandruf..... Thanks!!!!